Tuesday, August 07, 2018

BDJ Rendezvous: Declutter Your Life

I was invited last July 28, 2018 at the BDJ Rendezvous Declutter Your Life event at SM Light Mall, Ground Floor, Activity Area.

The BDJ Rendezvous: Declutter Your Life aims to educate and inspire the community by giving them a new perspective on the practice of decluttering, both material and mind.

They have invited four speakers to talk about how can we declutter our home and our mind.

The first topic is "Dig Deep and let go" with Patricia Tangcongo, Organizing Consultant and founder of Aliwalas.PH.

When decluttering your home, you have to do it yourself. And you have to imagine your own before and after after decluttering.

Some questions you may answer:

~What are your goals?
~What makes you happy?
~What do you value most?
~What is your dream life?

Some tips to discard your things:

1)You can sell it online.
2)You can do a garage sale with your family or relatives.
3)You can donate it to the charities.

You can answer these questions after decluttering...

~How decluttering change your home?
~How decluttering change your daily life?
~How decluttering change you?

Decluttering is not just a chore, but a form of self-care.

The second topic is "Decluttering like a Guru" by Renelyn Tan-Castillejos, KonMari Consultant-in-Training.

The 2 skills you need for KonMari:

1)The ability to keep what sparks joy and discard the rest.
2)The ability to decide where to keep each thing and put it back in place.

Marie Kondo's 6 Basic Rules of Tidying:

1)Commit yourself to tidying up.
2)Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
3)Finish discarding the first.
4)Tidy by category, not by location.
5)Follow the right order.
6)Ask yourself if it sparks joy.

When decluttering your home, you have to be thankful for the things that already served you,  be grateful, thank them and let go...

Tidying is the act of confronting yourself ; cleaning is the act of confronting nature. - Marie Kondo, Founder of KonMari Method

The third topic is "Make the Switch" by Phoebe Blas, Minimalist advocate and founder of Mean Living PH.

Ms. Phoebe Blas talks about how can we switch to a cluttered free lifestyle by having fewer things at home like clothes including bag, shoes, etc. but being more happy.

She shared the one month challenge she did to let go of the things she doesn't need anymore. On the first day of the month, she removed one item, on the second day, she removed two items, on the third day, she removed 3 items and so on and so forth. After the one month challenge, she removed 400+ items she doesn't need anymore including clothes, books, "abubot", etc. You can put it on a clean plastic bags and donate the items you discarded at your home.

Ms. Phoebe also shared to us that she switches to other products like having a bar shampoo and bar conditioner. And she's also using a cloth napkin instead of a disposable napkin!

Questions you may answer before buying things:

~Do you really need it?
~Will you use it more than once a week?
~Can it serve more than one purpose?

Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life's path, we can all make room for what is most important in life. Getting started is as simple as asking yourself one question: How might your life be better if you owned fewer material possessions? While the goal of Zero-Waste is to move to a circular economy where we write trash out of existence. The circular economy mimics nature in that there is no trash in nature. Instead of discarding resources, we create a system where all resources can be resumed fully back into the system.

The last topic is "Clear it all out" by Miqo Dionisio, Sound Healer and Owner of I am Healing Space.

We have to plan our life out of love not out of fear. And always ask yourself "Is this thought beneficial to my goal?" because taking care of our inner peace is also the key to a cluttered-free lifestyle.

I am so happy to be invited at this event. I've learned so much about how can I declutter not only the things but also the mind. I also learned not to buy things that I don't really need. I just have to keep the things that makes me happy and discard the things that don't add value to my life.





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